Public Consultation Meetings For Water Service Providers

+254 709 482000
Further to the public notice that appeared in the Daily Nation of 28th June 2018, and in line with the requirements of the law for consumer protection in the licensing of Water Service Providers (WSPs), we wish to advise that public consultation meetings shall be held at the following venues to get consumer concerns on services provided, and those proposed to be provided, by respective WSPs.
Water Service Provider | Venue | Date and time | |
Embu Water and Sanitation Company | Izaak Walton | Embu town | 3rd August 2018 10.00am |
Nyeri Water and Sewerage Company | Red Court Hotel, Nyeri | Nyeri town | 6th August 2018 10.00am |
Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company | KICC- Tsavo Room | Nairobi City | 14th August 2018 10.00am |
Naivasha water, sewerage and sanitation services company | St Xavier Church | Naivasha town | 24th August 2018 10.00am |
Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Company | Kakamega Golf Hotel | Kakamega town | 22nd August 2018 10.00am |
Participants should be seated by 10.00am. Members of the public in respective areas are invited to make oral and written submissions and ask any questions that may relate to the provision of water services in their areas.
Personal identification of participants will be required.
Eng. Robert Gakubia,
Chief Executive Officer