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Service Charter Procedures

Approval of license

1. This procedure shall start with receipt of application documents consisting of forms 1A, 1B, and 1C (see Annex 1, 2, and 3 respectively for sample forms).
2. The ML shall write an acknowledgment letter to the WSP/applicant.
3. The ML shall check License application documents received for completeness and adequacy guided by the License evaluation checklist.
4. If the requirements have not been met, the ML shall give feedback to the applicant/WSP about the inadequacy of the application to trigger reapplication or resubmission. The applicant shall be guided accordingly.
4.1 If the application meets the requirements, DLSA/ML shall constitute a multiskilled evaluation team to evaluate the application for conformity with requirements (checklist) including commercial viability. The evaluation shall be done within one (1) month of receipt of the complete applications;
5. The WSP shall be informed of the outcome of the evaluation exercise and invited to a License Negotiations Meeting within 14 days after evaluation exercise.
5.1 The following stakeholders shall also be invited for the License Negotiation Meeting; The CEC Member in charge of Water for County Government and the WWDA(s) responsible;
6. The License Negotiation Meeting shall set reasonable performance targets, deliverables and, conditions agreeable by the WSP.
6.1 The Regulatory Board shall prepare the Minutes of the meeting. The Minutes shall be led at the meeting and confirmed by a proposer and seconder from WSP and WASREB (output-Signed minutes).
7. Receipt of resubmission if any from WSP within 14 days after the License Negotiation Meeting
8. Upon successful Negotiations, Public Consultation shall be held.
9. After successful Public Consultation (output signed minutes), the License application shall be presented to the Board for approval.
10. A Multiskilled team constituted to draft the license document within 14 days.
11. Final License Document shall be submitted to Legal Department for compliance checks.
12. Printing of the final license document and certificate
13. Singing of the final License Document.
14. Confirmation of performance guarantee.
15. Payment of the license fee by the applicant/WSP.
16. Issuance of the license and certificate.
17. WASREB to retain one (1) signed copy of the license and certificate (in both soft and hard copy).

Approval of Tariffs applications

1. This procedure will start with the receipt of regular tariff adjustment proposals from the WSP by the DLSA.
2. Upon receipt, the DLSA shall ensure that the first screening of the proposal is done to check the fulfilment of requirements within fourteen (14) days.
3. If the application meets the requirements DLSA shall ensure:
3.1 The tariff is analysed and communication of the findings communicated to the County and WSP within ten (10) days.
3.2 After the analysis, a tariff negotiation meeting may be scheduled to achieve consensus on the proposal within ten (10) days after the analysis. If a tariff structure is not arrived at during the meeting, the utility will submit a revised application within 14 days and subjected to all the steps above.
4. Upon determination of an acceptable tariff structure, DLSA will within seven (7) days communicate the proposed tariff structure to the utility; and notify the utility of the intention of the Board to carry Public Consultation.
5. The Utility will communicate its acceptance of the proposed tariff structure and /or any Objections/ Corrections within seven (7) days. If there are no objections/ corrections to the Structure, DLSA will within 14 Days issue a notice of Public Consultation as per the provisions of the Water Act 2016.
6. Upon closure of the Public Consultation Period, DLSA shall ensure that all comments received at WASREB are responded to within 14 days.
7. Upon the receipt of the report of the public consultation from the utility and an analysis of the comments received at the Board, the DLSA, will make an appropriate decision on whether to present the application to the TSC or return to the utility for adjustment.
8. If the application qualifies to be presented to the TSC, DLSA shall ensure submission of the proposal to the subsequent meeting of the TSC.
8.1 The TSC shall deliberate on the proposal and make recommendations.
8.2 If not acceptable the TSC shall return the application to DLSA with recommendations.
8.3 If the decision is acceptable the TSC shall recommend to the subsequent meeting of the WASREB Board for approval.
9. The DLSA shall write to the WSP communicating the outcome within fourteen (14) days and copy the respective County Government.
9.1 The WSP shall communicate their concurrence with the WASREB’s decision within seven (7) Days.
9.2 If not in concurrence, the WSP shall ask for a decision review by submitting additional information and/or explanations within seven (7) days.
10 WASREB will proceed to gazette the tariff within fourteen (14) days

Payment of suppliers

  • The MFA shall request the HoDs to submit their financial annual estimates by end of October each year.
  • The HoDs shall ensure the financial annual estimates for their departments are submitted to the finance department by end of November of each year.
  • The MFA shall ensure the financial annual estimates from the departments are consolidated by end of December of each year.
  • DCS shall convene a senior management meeting to review the consolidated annual financial estimates by Mid-January each year.
  • DCS shall ensure that the reviewed annual financial estimates are approved by the management by 20th January of each year.
  • The DCS shall ensure the annual financial estimates are reviewed for approval by the Board by Mid-February of each year.
  • The DCS shall ensure the Board approved annual financial estimates are timely submitted to the Ministry of Water & Irrigation by 28th February of each year.


Provision of information/response to customer inquiries

2.1 The forms of reporting a complaint and compliment shall be as follows;
a) Public consultations
b) Consumer groups
c) Maji voice
d) E- mails
e) Customer feedback forms
f) Telephone calls
g) Face to face
h) Social media (Facebook & Twitter)
2.4 Upon receipt of the complaint, it shall be recorded in the complaints and complements register and directed to the respective director for action as necessary.
2.5 Every two months the CCD shall convene the committee on handling complaints and compliments as appointed by the CEO to review progress in handling complaints and complements.
2.6 The CCD shall prepare a report and forward it to the CEO for information, recommendations and actions as appropriate.
2.7 The MCC shall ensure that recommendations and actions from the CEO have been effected.


Resolution of complaints

1. Upon arrival of the visitor at the reception, the receptionist shall welcome the visitor and enquire on the nature of the visit.
2. The receptionist shall enquire if the officer to be seen is available
2.1 If the officer to be seen is not available, the visitor shall be requested to leave a message which is recorded in the message or advised accordingly.
3. If the officer is available, the receptionist shall then register the customer in the Customer or guest and show the visitor to the service point.
3.1 At the service point, the officer offering the service shall serve the customer as appropriate.
4. On exit, the receptionist shall then request the visitor to give feedback on the services offered by issuing a customer feedback form.
4.1 The data collected shall be analyzed and reporting as per the procedure on handling of complaints and complement procedures.

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