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GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 165 of 10th January 2014


Tariff Structure for the year
2013/2014 to 2016/2017
Tariff Structure

Water Tarrif Structure

Customer Category Approved/ Justified Tariff (Ksh/m3)
Residential Household
0-6 Fixed Charge Ksh.330
7-20 65
21-50 80
51-100 100
100-300 120
300-> 140
0-6 Fixed Charge Ksh.330
7-20 65
21-50 80
51-100 100
100-300 120
300-> 140
Government Institutions
0-6 Fixed Charge Ksh.330
7-20 65
21-50 80
51-100 100
100-300 120
300-> 140
Schools and Colleges
0-600 70
601-1200 90
1200-> 110
Water Kiosks
Per-M3 Fixed Charge Ksh.35
Resale at Water Kiosk
Per-20 Litres Fixed Charge Ksh.2


Sewer Tarrif Structure

No sewer

Meter Rents

Meter Rent per Month

Size (inches) Approved Charge (Ksh.)
1 250
1 250
2 250
2 450
3 450
4 800
1 250
1 250
2 250
2 450
3 450
4 800
.4 1500
1 250
1 250
2 250
2 450
3 450
4 800
.4 1500
1 250
1 250
2 250
2 450
3 450
4 800
.4 1500
1 250
1 250
2 250
2 450
3 450
4 800
.4 1500
Water Deposits

Water Deposits

Connection Type Approved Charge (Ksh.)
Service Approved(KSh.)
For special reading of a meter 200
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
For turning on the supply after disconnection for non-payment 500
Water bowser (own transport) per cu.m 180
Water bowser by WSP 2500
For testing a meter at the request of the consumer where it is found to register incorrectly to any degree exceeding 5% The actual cost subject to a minimum charge of 500
Exhauster services( company exhauster) 5,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements
Private exhauster 15,000 per Truck per month
(dumping into the companys sewer system)  
Domestic consumer (singular dwelling) 1500
Domestic consumer (singular connection serving more than one single dwelling including flats) consuming more than 200 cubic metres 10000
Water Kiosks Where Anticipated Monthly Consumption Is Less Than 50 cubic metres 1000
Between 50-100 cubic meters 2000
Between 100-150 cubic meters 2500
More than 150 cubic meters 3000
Retail shops, workshops and offices consuming more than 10 cubic metres 3000
Bar, restaurant and lodgings more than 15 cubic meters 5000
Hotel class a and b less than 150 cubic metres 10000
Hotel class c and d more than 150 cubic metres 15000
Hospitals more than 150 cubic metres 20000
Minor construction site (temporary connection) less than 200 cubic metres 10000
Large construction site (temporary connection) more than 200 cubic metres 50000
Light industries less than 200 cubic metres 10000
Medium industries 200-300 cubic metres 15000
Heavy industries more than 300 cubic metres 20000
Health centres/dispensaries less than 150 cubic metres 5000
Schools/colleges and other institutions more than 200 cubic metres 10000
Schools less than 200 cubic metres 5000
Topping up of consumer deposits after disconnection based on actual average consumption for domestic consumers The actual cost subject to a minimum cost of 2,500
Domestic consumer (singular dwelling) 1500
Domestic consumer (singular connection serving more than one single dwelling including flats) consuming more than 200 cubic metres 10000
Water Kiosks Where Anticipated Monthly Consumption Is Less Than 50 cubic metres 1000
Between 50-100 cubic meters 2000
Between 100-150 cubic meters 2500
More than 150 cubic meters 3000
Retail shops, workshops and offices consuming more than 10 cubic metres 3000
Bar, restaurant and lodgings more than 15 cubic meters 5000
Hotel class a and b less than 150 cubic metres 10000
Hotel class c and d more than 150 cubic metres 15000
Hospitals more than 150 cubic metres 20000
Minor construction site (temporary connection) less than 200 cubic metres 10000
Large construction site (temporary connection) more than 200 cubic metres 50000
Light industries less than 200 cubic metres 10000
Medium industries 200-300 cubic metres 15000
Heavy industries more than 300 cubic metres 20000
Health centres/dispensaries less than 150 cubic metres 5000
Schools/colleges and other institutions more than 200 cubic metres 10000
Schools less than 200 cubic metres 5000
Topping up of consumer deposits after disconnection based on actual average consumption for domestic consumers The actual cost subject to a minimum cost of 2,500
Domestic consumer (singular dwelling) 1500
Domestic consumer (singular connection serving more than one single dwelling including flats) consuming more than 200 cubic metres 10000
Water Kiosks Where Anticipated Monthly Consumption Is Less Than 50 cubic metres 1000
Between 50-100 cubic meters 2000
Between 100-150 cubic meters 2500
More than 150 cubic meters 3000
Retail shops, workshops and offices consuming more than 10 cubic metres 3000
Bar, restaurant and lodgings more than 15 cubic meters 5000
Hotel class a and b less than 150 cubic metres 10000
Hotel class c and d more than 150 cubic metres 15000
Hospitals more than 150 cubic metres 20000
Minor construction site (temporary connection) less than 200 cubic metres 10000
Large construction site (temporary connection) more than 200 cubic metres 50000
Light industries less than 200 cubic metres 10000
Medium industries 200-300 cubic metres 15000
Heavy industries more than 300 cubic metres 20000
Health centres/dispensaries less than 150 cubic metres 5000
Schools/colleges and other institutions more than 200 cubic metres 10000
Schools less than 200 cubic metres 5000
Topping up of consumer deposits after disconnection based on actual average consumption for domestic consumers The actual cost subject to a minimum cost of 2,500
Other Charges

Other Charges

Service Description Approved Charge (Ksh.)
For special reading of a meter 200
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
For turning on the supply after disconnection for non-payment 500
Water bowser (own transport) per cu.m 180
Water bowser by WSP 2500
For testing a meter at the request of the consumer where it is found to register incorrectly to any degree exceeding 5% The actual cost subject to a minimum charge of 500
Exhauster services( company exhauster) 5,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements
Private exhauster 15,000 per Truck per month
(dumping into the companys sewer system)  
For special reading of a meter 200
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
For turning on the supply after disconnection for non-payment 500
Water bowser (own transport) per cu.m 180
Water bowser by WSP 2500
For testing a meter at the request of the consumer where it is found to register incorrectly to any degree exceeding 5% The actual cost subject to a minimum charge of 500
Exhauster services( company exhauster) 5,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements
Private exhauster 15,000 per Truck per month
(dumping into the companys sewer system)  
For special reading of a meter 200
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
For turning on the supply after disconnection for non-payment 500
Water bowser (own transport) per cu.m 180
Water bowser by WSP 2500
For testing a meter at the request of the consumer where it is found to register incorrectly to any degree exceeding 5% The actual cost subject to a minimum charge of 500
Exhauster services( company exhauster) 5,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements
Private exhauster 15,000 per Truck per month
(dumping into the companys sewer system)  
For special reading of a meter 200
For cutting off the supply at the request of the consumer 200
For turning on the supply otherwise than in respect of a first connection 200
For turning on the supply after disconnection for non-payment 500
Water bowser (own transport) per cu.m 180
Water bowser by WSP 2500
For testing a meter at the request of the consumer where it is found to register incorrectly to any degree exceeding 5% The actual cost subject to a minimum charge of 500
Exhauster services( company exhauster) 5,000 for other customers and 4,000 for informal settlements
Private exhauster 15,000 per Truck per month
(dumping into the companys sewer system)  


Penalty Description Approved Charge (Ksh.)
Self-reconnection after cut off for non-payment 5,000 and billing to be backdated from date of cut off
Surcharge for illegal connection-domestic 10,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-commercial/school/college/hospital 40,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-construction site 100,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-industry 500,000 and regularise connection
Illegal connection sewerage Charges equal to those of illegal connection of water per category
Surcharge for tempering with meters (this to include meter removal, reversing of meter, etc.) 5000
Surcharge for direct suction of water from the supply line using a pump 10000
Surcharge for meter loss or damage Cost of the meter
Self-reconnection after cut off for non-payment 5,000 and billing to be backdated from date of cut off
Surcharge for illegal connection-domestic 10,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-commercial/school/college/hospital 40,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-construction site 100,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-industry 500,000 and regularise connection
Illegal connection sewerage Charges equal to those of illegal connection of water per category
Surcharge for tempering with meters (this to include meter removal, reversing of meter, etc.) 5000
Surcharge for direct suction of water from the supply line using a pump 10000
Surcharge for meter loss or damage Cost of the meter
Self-reconnection after cut off for non-payment 5,000 and billing to be backdated from date of cut off
Surcharge for illegal connection-domestic 10,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-commercial/school/college/hospital 40,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-construction site 100,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-industry 500,000 and regularise connection
Illegal connection sewerage Charges equal to those of illegal connection of water per category
Surcharge for tempering with meters (this to include meter removal, reversing of meter, etc.) 5000
Surcharge for direct suction of water from the supply line using a pump 10000
Surcharge for meter loss or damage Cost of the meter
Self-reconnection after cut off for non-payment 5,000 and billing to be backdated from date of cut off
Surcharge for illegal connection-domestic 10,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-commercial/school/college/hospital 40,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-construction site 100,000 and regularise connection
Surcharge for illegal connection-industry 500,000 and regularise connection
Illegal connection sewerage Charges equal to those of illegal connection of water per category
Surcharge for tempering with meters (this to include meter removal, reversing of meter, etc.) 5000
Surcharge for direct suction of water from the supply line using a pump 10000
Surcharge for meter loss or damage Cost of the meter


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